Tuesday 21 May 2019

E-Newsletter for w/c Monday, 20 May 2019

No assemblies this week.

Values Focus Week
This week we will be focusing on Being Valued - We care about ourselves and each other. We understand that everyone matters.
Mr Hunter

Outward Bound Trip for current S1’s - A few places still available
We still have a few places on our S1 Outward Bound trip to Loch Eil, running from 26th-30th August. Full cost of the trip is £196.50, with financial assistance available for those that qualify. If you’d like to go, but still haven’t signed up yet or would simply just like a little more information then please see Mr Wyllie as soon as possible.
Mr Wyllie

Outward Bound Trip Forms and Final Payments
Just a reminder that all Outward Bound forms and final payments are now due in. Please return forms to Mr Wyllie. Payments should be made using Parent Pay.
Mr Wyllie

LGBT Group
The LGBT group is meeting on Tuesday at lunchtime in Science 5. New and returning members are welcome. Bring your lunch.
Mrs McDonald

Pupil Council Meetings
The pupil council will be meeting on Wednesday lunchtime in Ms Jones classroom. New members are welcome to come with their friends and bring their lunches.

We will be discussing the following:

Improving the toilets, canteen, combatting bullying and increasing pupil voice.

Ms Jones

Pupil Medication in School
It is imperative that any child with a medical condition requiring medication to be administered in school have supplies in the school. Parents/Carers are requested to fill in forms when handing in medication. The form clearly states that you accept responsibility for ensuring that the medication has not expired and that there is sufficient medication supplied to the school for your child. Please ensure all medication is handed into school ASAP.
Mrs Fraser

GHS Extra -Curricular Sports Timetable for Term 3
Please find below the extra-curricular sports timetable for term 3.