Friday 4 September 2015

E-Newsletter for Friday, 4 September 2015

Assemblies for Next Week

Order of Assembly:

Tuesday - Skye

Wednesday – Lewis

Thursday – Tiree


Career Ready
A reminder for all S5 pupils wishing to apply for the course must have the application forms submitted on Edmodo today.
Mr Gregor

Senior Football
All senior footballers should be ready to leave at 12:50 outside school today. Strips will be provided.
Mr Gregor

House Points for 100% attenders
House points will be awarded to the house with the highest number of pupils still on 100% attendance by the September break.  That’s only 2 weeks away!  You know you can do it and keep your name on that 100% chart.

Congratulations to S1 which is the only year group to have remained in the GREEN ZONE this week.  All other year groups have slipped into the AMBER ZONE which is below 95%.  What’s happening??  Come on Gracemount we can do better - GO GREEN next week!
Ms Pretswell


South Edinburgh Police Group
Students can follow what the South Edinburgh Police group are up to via Twitter on @EdinSouthPolice.
Mark Dickson


Nice trip June 2016
Any S3-S6 pupils interested in the French trip to Nice next year should see Miss Davies for more details.  First come first served for places.
Miss Davies


French Cinema Trip
EE2s and £3 for the French Cinema Trip on 10th September and the Senior Trip to George Heriots on 7th September must be handed in ASAP. No EE2 means no excursion! Hand in to Mrs Towers or Miss Davies.

Any outstanding French textbooks (including the Grammar ones) must be handed in also.
Mrs Towers


Tuesday Lunchtime Singing Club
Lunchtime Singing Club will take place every Tuesday lunchtime in Music Room 1 – all welcome!


Leavers Hoodie Forms
Any S6 pupils who do not have a Leavers Hoodie Form, please see Natasha Ho.  The deadline is Monday, 5 October 2015, however, please hand in your form and money ASAP to Natasha Ho, Max Chisholm or Mohamed Tariq.  Thank you!
Natasha Ho


S6 Pupils Meeting on Wednesday, 9 September 2015
There will be a meeting held in the library for all S6 pupils on Wednesday 9 September, during period 5, to discuss the Yearbook and Leavers Hoodies etc.