Thursday 27 August 2015

E-Newsletter for Friday, 28 August 2015

Assemblies for Next Week

Order of Assembly:

Tuesday - Skye

Wednesday – Lewis

Thursday - Tiree


Farewell and Thank You to Mrs Lowe
We will be very sorry to say goodbye to Mrs Lowe as she leaves on Monday.  Mrs Lowe has been the Guidance teacher/Pupil Support Leader for Tiree house for many years and has been there for pupils to guide them through the highs and lows of life at Gracemount.  Mrs Lowe works long and hard to get the best for all pupils and will be greatly missed.  She has built strong links with many of our families over the years and I am sure you will all join me in thanking her and wishing her well in the future.

Ms Livingston has been appointed as Acting Pupil Support Leader and will take over from Mrs Lowe to work with pupils in Tiree house.  I am delighted to welcome her to the pupil Support Team.
Ms Sinclair


S2 Assembly
All S2 pupils will be in the Drama Studio period 1 on Monday 31 August 2015.  Please go to your class as normal where your teacher will register you before accompanying you to the Drama Studio.
Ms Pretswell


Tuesday Lunchtime Singing Club
Lunchtime Singing Club will take place every Tuesday lunchtime in Music Room 1 – all welcome!

Would all instrumental pupils please check your lesson times for the week beginning 31st August 2015 .  If you are unable to attend then please notify Ms Kerr or your instrumental teacher well in advance.

All S1 pupils who have expressed an interest in learning an instrument should receive a slip inviting them to attend their first meeting with the instrumental teachers.  Please show the slip to your class teacher and ask them to sign it before attending.
Ms Kerr


Missing French N5 Textbooks
Pupils from last year’s French N5 course must please return their SQA Specimen Papers textbook.  If they do not return this by Friday 4th September 2015 they will be charged £10 so we may replace the lost textbook.  We have a list of names, so should you be unsure please feel free to contact the Modern Languages Department.

Thanks in anticipation!
Mrs Towers