Monday 26 February 2018

E-Newsletter for Monday, 26 February 2018

Assemblies for This Week

Monday – S1/S6 Assembly

Tuesday – S2 Assembly

Wednesday – S3 Assembly

Thursday – S4 Assembly

Friday – S5 Assembly

Values Focus Week
This week we will be focusing on Instilling Resilience – “We persevere when faced with challenge.  We know that when we make mistakes we are encouraged to learn from them”.
Mr Hunter

World Book Day
At Gracemount, I am hoping to get staff and pupils talking about reading.

All pupils will be offered a £1 book token to be used against one of the £1 World Book Day Books, £1 off one of the £2.50 full length Teen reads or £1 off any book over £2.99

There will be a competition to either write a review or a short story as a tweet, see me for tweet sheets.  Prizes for the winning entries.  

As usual, there will be the Pictionary/Catchphrase inspired picture quiz, where pupils have to try and identify new books from the pictures.
Mrs Brown

Final Outward Bound Payment is due no later than this Friday!
A reminder that the final payment for the S1 Outward Bound Trip is now due and should be paid using Parent Pay, no later than this Friday.  This final payment is £60 and should bring your total paid to £175.  Please check that you have paid all 3 instalments - £55, £60 and £60.  If you have any questions about amounts paid or using Parent Pay then please speak with Mrs Sim in the School Office.
Mr Wyllie

Watersports Trip
A space has become available on the Spain Watersports trip.  If you are interested, please see Miss Davies or Mr Gregor by the end of the week.
Miss Davies

S5 LEAPS Pupils:
Please read about the event below and details about how to register if you would like to attend.

 Mrs O’Connell

Pupils who have Prescribed Medication in School
If your child has prescribed medication in School, it is imperative that you keep this medication up to date.  Letters have been sent home and to date there are still nine pupils who have out of date medication.  If your child requires this medication in an emergency, then we cannot give it.  I would be grateful if Parent/Carers who have received these letters would hand in the medication ASAP.  If you child no longer requires medication, you must inform the school in writing.
Mrs Fraser (Welfare)

Pupils who have Non-Prescribed Medication in School
If your child has non-prescribed medication in School, I have sent letters home via the pupils.  I would be grateful if you could complete the forms and return to School ASAP.  We cannot administer any medication without the completion of these forms.
Mrs Fraser (Welfare)
Art Portfolios
Any pupils still to collect their art portfolios from last year, please do so ASAP and make the SQA payment of £10 to the office.
Miss Grisdale

F.A.O N4, N5 and Higher Art Pupils
All N4, N5 and higher art folios need to be completed by the Easter break.  GASS is offered on the following days and it is vital that all senior pupils attend:
-          Miss Grisdale: Tuesday and Thursday
-          Miss McCreadie & Miss Martinez: Tuesday and Wednesday
Senior pupils are also welcome to use the middle room during study periods to catch up on exam work but please sign in with your study teacher first.
Miss Grisdale
Senior Art & Photography Students
Please bring your £10 materials contribution to Miss McCreadie ASAP.
Miss McCreadie